The next Sabbath's Study Guide
links to The next Sabbath's Audio and Video websites
Lesson Guide week ending 2024-OCT-12
Q4 L02 - Signs of Divinity (week of Sunday 6 Oct to Sabbath 12 Oct)
Sabbath School Study Hour(SSSH) AFTV
Central Study Hour(CSH)
PowerPoint Slideshows for SSLesson
YEAR 2024
Sabbath Date
Sabbath School Lesson title
First Hymn
Second Hymn
FBO Slides
Third Hymn / Sabbath Sermon Special Messages - Comments
Q4 L01 - Signs That Point the Way
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Sermon not yet available
2024-OCT-5 csh
Q4 L01 - Signs That Point the Way
Pr Mike Thompson
187 - Jesus What a Friend for Sinners - Stanzas 1-2 and 4
499 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus - ALL 3 Stanzas
Episode 1 to 15 also on YouTube
Q3 L13 - The Risen Lord
Pr Carlos Munoz
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
A Woman, a Child, and a Dragon Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-SEP-28 csh
Q3 L13 - The Risen Lord
Jeffrey Maxwell
198 - And Can It Be - ALL 4 Stanzas
166 - Christ the Lord is Risen Today - ALL 4 Stanzas
started 20th September 2024
Q3 L12 - Tried and Crucified
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Because Of Your Words Pr Aron Crews
2024-SEP-21 csh
Q3 L12 - Tried and Crucified
Pr Robert Benardo
154 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - ALL 4 Stanzas
159 - The Old Rugged Cross - ALL 3 Stanzas
started 20th September 2024
Q3 L11 - Taken and Tried
Pr Aron Crews
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Amazing Power Of Words Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-SEP-14 csh
Q3 L11 - Taken and Tried
Bona Purba
185 - Jesus Is All The World to Me - ALL 4 Stanzas
529 - Under His Wings - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q3 L10 - The Last Days
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available  
Audio of Sermon
You Might Be A Christian Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-SEP-7 csh
Q3 L10 - The Last Days
Brett Stebbins
376 - All Things Are Thine - Stanzas 1, 3 and 5
348 - The Church Has One Foundation - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q3 L09 - Jerusalem Controversies
Mike Rich
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
In Remembrance Of Me Pr Jeff Walper
2024-AUG-31 csh
Q3 L09 - Jerusalem Controversies
Pr Robert Benardo
246 - Worthy Worthy Is the Lamb - ALL 3 Stanzas
231 - Blest Be the King - Stanzas 1, 3 and 4
Q3 L08 - Teaching Disciples: Part II
Pr Rodney Thompson
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Prayer Factor Pr Martin Kim
2024-AUG-24 csh
Q3 L08 - Teaching Disciples: Part II
Pr Mike Thompson
290 - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - ALL 3 Stanzas
623 - I Will Follow Thee - Stanzas 1, 2 and 3
Q3 L07 - Teaching Disciples: Part I
Pr Carlos Munos
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Greatest Devotion and Disgrace Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-AUG-17 csh
Q3 L07 - Teaching Disciples: Part I
Pr Mike Thompson
245 - More About Jesus - ALL 4 Stanzas
193 - Savior Teach Me - Stanzas 1, 2, 3 and 5 omit 4
Q3 L06 - Inside Out
Pr Jeff Walper
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Most Important Parable Pr Aron Crews
2024-AUG-10 csh
Q3 L06 - Inside Out
Dr Rey Forde
303 - Beneath the Cross of Jesus - ALL 3 Stanzas
309 - I Surrender All - Stanzas 1-2 and 3
Q3 L05 - Miracles Around the Lake
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Called To Be Ambassadors For Christ Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-AUG-3 csh
Q3 L05 - Miracles Around the Lake
Brett Stebbins
17 - Lord of All Being Throned Afar - Stanzas 1, 2 and 4
111 - It Took a Miracle - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q3 L04 - Parables
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Understanding Sacrifice Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JUL-27 csh
Q3 L04 - Parables
Pr Mike Thompson
537 - He Leadeth Me - ALL 4 Stanzas
547 - Be Thou My Vision - Stanzas 1-2 and 4
Q3 L03 - Controversies
Pr Jean Ross
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Let My People Go Pr Luccas Rodor
2024-JUL-20 csh
Q3 L03 - Controversies
Pr Robert Benardo
341 - To God Be the Glory - ALL 3 Stanzas
382 - O Day of Rest and Gladness - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q3 L02 - A Day in the Ministry of Jesus
Pr Carlos Munoz
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Grapes, Grace and Grumbling Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JUL-13 csh
Q3 L02 - A Day in the Ministry of Jesus
Brett Stebbins
279 - Only Trust Him - Stanzas 1,3 and 4 - Stanzas 1,3 and 4
311 - I Would Be Like Jesus - Stanzas 1, 2 and 3
Q3 L01 - The Beginning of the Gospel
Pr Aron Crews
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Accepted In The Beloved Pr Carlos Munoz
2024-JUL-06 csh
Q3 L01 - The Beginning of the Gospel
Dr. Jym Tayag
152 - Tell Me The Story of Jesus - ALL 3 Stanzas
196 - Tell Me the Old Old Story - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q2 L13 - The Triumph of God's Love
Pr Carlos Munoz
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Rediscovering Reverence and the Fear Of God Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JUN-29 csh
Q2 L13 - The Triumph of God's Love
Pr Mike Thompson
428 - Sweet By and By - ALL 3 Stanzas
216 - When the Roll is Called Up Yonder - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q2 L12 - Earth's Closing Events
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Look and Live Pr Jean Ross
2024-JUN-22 csh
Q2 L12 - Earth's Closing Events
Pr Mike Thompson
369 - Bringing in the Sheaves - ALL 3 Stanzas
373 - Seeking the Lost - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q2 L11 - The Impending Conflict
Pr Aron Crews
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Standing On The High Ground Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JUN-15 csh
Q2 L11 - The Impending Conflict
Jeffery Maxwell
73 - Holy Holy Holy - ALL 4 Stanzas
86 - How Great Thou Art - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q2 L10 - Spiritualism Exposed
Pr Shawn Brummund
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Only Hope For the Laodiceans Pr Jeff Walper
2024-JUN-8 csh
Q2 L10 - Spiritualism Exposed
Dr. Jym Tayag
022 - God Is Our Song - ALL 4 Stanzas
214 - We Have This Hope - ALL 2 Stanzas
Q2 L09 - The Foundation of God's Government
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Seeing the Invisible World Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JUN-1 csh
Q2 L09 - The Foundation of God's Government
Pr Mike Thompson
390 - We Love Thy Sabbath Lord - ALL 5 Stanzas
381 - Holy Sabbath Day of Rest - Stanzas 1, 3 and 4
Q2 L08 - Light From the Sanctuary
Pr Carlos Munoz
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Healing Faith Of The Centurion Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-MAY-25 csh
Q2 L08 - Light From the Sanctuary
Pr Mike Thompson
221 - Rejoice the Lord is King - ALL 4 Stanzas
205 - Gleams of the Golden Morning - Stanzas 1-2 and 4
Q2 L07 - Motivated by Hope
Pr Aron Crews
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Life's Choices, Heaven's Voices Pr Luccas Rodor
2024-MAY-18 csh
Q2 L07 - Motivated by Hope
Brett Stebbins
206 - Face to Face - ALL 4 Stanzas
598 - Watch Ye Saints - ALL 5 Stanzas
Q2 L06 - The Two Witnesses
Pr Carlos Munoz (updated)
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Greatest Mission Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-MAY-11 csh
Q2 L06 - The Two Witnesses
Dr Jym Tayag
286 - Wonderful Words of Life - ALL 3 Stanzas
272 - Give Me the Bible - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q2 L05 - Faith Against All Odds
Pr Jean Ross
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
A God Who Loves Pr Shawn Brummund
2024-MAY-4 csh
Q2 L05 - Faith Against All Odds
Jeffrey Maxwell
570 - Not I but Christ - ALL 4 Stanzas
582 - Working O Christ With Thee - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q2 L04 - Standing for the Truth
Pr Shawn Brummund
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Rest That Remains Pr Aron Crews
2024-APR-27 csh
Q2 L04 - Standing for the Truth
Pr Mike Thompson
608 - Faith Is the Victory - ALL 3 Stanzas
326 - Open My Eyes That I May See - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q2 L03 - Light Shines in the Darkness
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Elijah Message Pr Jeff Walper
2024-APR-20 csh
Q2 L03 - Light Shines in the Darkness
Pr Mike Thompson
268 - Holy Spirit Light Divine - Stanzas 1-2 and 3
590 - Trust And Obey - ALL 5 Stanzas
Prophecy Odyssey
starts 20th September 2024
Q2 L02 - The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?
Pr Rod Thompson
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Where Is Your Treasure? Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-APR-13 csh
Q2 L02 - The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?
Pr Fred Dana
183 - I Will Sing of Jesus Love - ALL 3 Stanzas
197 - The King of Love My Shepherd Is - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q2 L01 - The War Behind All Wars
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Astonished Beyond Measure Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-APR-06 csh
Q2 L01 - The War Behind All Wars
Brett Stebbins
189 - All That Thrills My Soul - ALL 4 Stanzas
184 - Jesus Paid It All - Stanzas 1-2 and 3
Q1 L13 - Wait on the Lord
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Crucifixion Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-MAR-30 csh
Q1 L13 - Wait on the Lord
Dr. Jym Tayag
469 - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - ALL 3 Stanzas
190 - Jesus Loves Me - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q1 L12 - Worship That Never Ends
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Keep the Faith-Finish the Race Pr Luccas Rodor
2024-MAR-23 csh
Q1 L12 - Worship That Never Ends
Pr Fred Dana
83 - O Worship the King - ALL 4 Stanzas
6 - O Worship the Lord - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L11 - Longing for God in Zion
Pr Shawn Brummund
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Faith and Victory Pr Shawn Brummund
2024-MAR-16 csh
Q1 L11 - Longing for God in Zion
Pr Mike Thompson
388 - Don't Forget The Sabbath - ALL 3 Stanzas
429 - Jerusalem the Golden - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L10 - Lessons of the Past
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Bread From Heaven Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-MAR-9 csh
Q1 L10 - Lessons of the Past
Pr Fred Dana
7 - The Lord in Zion Reigneth - ALL 3 Stanzas
422 - Marching to Zion - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L09 - Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Satan and the Savior In the Synagogue Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-MAR-2 csh
Q1 L09 - Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
Pr Mike Thompson
29 - Sing Praise to God - Stanzas 1, 3 and 4
249 - Praise Him - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q1 L08 - Wisdom for Righteous Living
Pr Alden Ho
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
You Cannot Serve the Lord Pr Aron Crews
2024-FEB-24 csh
Q1 L08 - Wisdom for Righteous Living
Pr Robert Benardo
499 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus - ALL 3 Stanzas
517 - My Faith Looks Up to Thee - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q1 L07 - Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens
Pr Shawn Brummund
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Baptizing The Devil Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-FEB-17 csh
Q1 L07 - Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens
Pr Mike Thompson
524 - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - ALL 4 Stanzas
521 - Depth of Mercy - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L06 - I Will Arise
Pr Rodney Thompson
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Repairing the Roads of Refuge Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-FEB-10 csh
Q1 L06 - I Will Arise
Pr Fred Dana
13 - New Songs of Celebration Render - ALL 3 Stanzas
251 - He Lives - ALL 3 Stanzas
Q1 L05 - Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
Pr Luccas Rodor
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
The Ever Lasting Gospel and It's Application Pr Jeff Walper
2024-FEB-3 csh
Q1 L05 - Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
Pr Mike Thompson
100 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness - ALL 3 Stanzas
213 - Jesus Is Coming Again - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L04 - The Lord Hears and Delivers
Pr Rod Thompson
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Deadly Faith Or Saving Grace Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JAN-27 csh
Q1 L04 - The Lord Hears and Delivers
Pr Fred Dana
625 - Higher Ground - ALL 4 Stanzas
Only one Hymn in this Broadcast
Q1 L03 - The Lord Reigns
Daniel Hudgens
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Counting the Cost Pr Luccas Rodor
2024-JAN-20 csh
Q1 L03 - The Lord Reigns
Pr Mike Thompson
487 - In the Garden - ALL 3 Stanzas
198 - And Can It Be - ALL 4 Stanzas
Q1 L02 - Teach Us to Pray
Pr Jeff Walper
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
Do You Need To Be Perfect To Be Saved? Pr Doug Batchelor
2024-JAN-13 csh
Q1 L02 - Teach Us to Pray
Pr Fred Dana
120 - Theres a Song in the Air - ALL 3 Stanzas
127 - Infant Holy Infant Lowly - ALL 2 Stanzas
Q1 L01 - How to Read the Psalms
Pr Shawn Brummund
Hymn or musical item not available
Audio of Sermon
New Year - New Beginnings Pr Shawn Brummund
2024-JAN-6 csh
Q1 L01 - How to Read the Psalms
Pr Mike Thompson
119 - Angels From the Realms of Glory - ALL 4 Stanzas
142 - Angels We Have Heard on High - ALL 4 Stanzas
Although the Free Lesson CD/DVDs Offers via the SacCentral 91 6457 6511 number (which began to be distributed from 2014 Q4) are only available to citizens of North America
the lesson Video or Audio files may be downloaded from the SacCentral link below;
Central Study Hour - Internet Mediacast
Central Study Hour - Presenter's Notes
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